First day at the lake


And what a day it was. We arrived around 4:30, and Magda was extremely happy to get out of the car. I don't think she'd ever travelled that long, and sharing the back of the car with Merlin was not making her happy.We got to the cabin and unpacked, wrapped a hunter-orange, reflective bandana around Mags' neck (we are still scared she'll take off into the woods) and invited her down to the dock. She was MYSTIFIED. So much so, that she leaned over the end of the dock to sniff a lilypad and immediately fell all the way in. And then couldn't figure out how to get out, and there was much wimpering and thrashing and instictive swimming lessons on the fly. It reminded me of my first newsroom job -- KIDDING! Oh, no I'm not.Anyway! We leaned over and dragged her by the collar around the dock and showed her the shore, and she made her way in. She clearly was on a huge adrenaline high because she began running in circles and wimpering and just acting crazy. Then she came back to the dock, barely leaned over and lost her balance and fell head-first back into the drink. Poor thing. We helped her back out, and now she's a touch leery of the dock, but we'll see how she does the rest of the week. Most of this evening we kept her up in the woods playing fetch (as you can see above).The other adventure of the day came when we realized there was no corkscrew in the cabin. Now, let me preface this by saying that our cabin has a WOK, A CROCKPOT AND A GARLIC MINCER. So of course there should be a wine opener. I think the last people stole it.Anyway! This meant we had to get creative because I was gonna have wine, no doubt about it. We found a really long screw in a drawer and a screwdriver and totally MacGyvered that shit. It was awesome.The rest of the day consisted of reading, cards, a steak dinner, walks in the woods and puppy snuggles. Oh you guys, I am in paradise.And I should say that since I'm in the woods with no internet, and I'm posting these entries upon my return to civilization, we are skipping "internet shares" for the week. Obviously.