five watt


0520fivewattsmToday was pretty standard -- lots of desk work, a little dog walking and a simple appointment. But around mid-afternoon I went down to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. I told Jamie I'd be right with him after I got my cup and he responded, "Oh... I killed the coffee..." to which I paused, then said, "That's ok. You can take me to Five Watt and buy me one instead!"See? Win-win. :)What is Five Watt? It's a new coffee shop in town that opened a week or so ago. They have this vanilla latte made with coriander and sea salt (called The Kingfield) that is DIVINE. So that's what I had. Sooooo tasty.For your internet share of the day, here is a link with photos of the lost and found from Coachella (thank you Margaret!). This is FASCINATING. Just LOOK at all those hipster glasses!