

Yesterday was so rough. I'm still in a bit of shock about it.So I tried to make a true effort to give myself time away from the news today. While I never want to be uninformed, it's getting to the point where keeping up on current events could easily begin to affect my well being (if it hasn't already).Keeping this in mind, I began my work day away from the computer. I needed to organize and clean the studio in a serious way, and just listening to my murder podcast and organizing my gear gave me peace of mind. Then I sat down behind my computer, checked email, and completed a huge project before logging into any news sites, facebook or twitter. That worked well because I then could use my lunch break to call all the politcal representatives about the bullshit that is happening out there. Deep breaths.I then dove back into work, phoned some relatives, and opted for a long walk at the lake with Magda (which is the photo above).While I'm still raging angry about things like refugee immigration, wall building and proposals against protestors on top of all the environmental attacks we had yesterday, I think I'm doing a little better at compartmentalizing it. I highly suggest setting aside time for the internet and news gathering -- and maybe not making it the first thing in the morning. It made this day much better for me.How are you guys out there coping? Any strategies you'd like to share?Ok, internet shares of the day!+ I'll start with something fun before we move into the mess that is our government. I want to try this recipe and it only requires five ingredients and looks wonderful.+ How about these handy photos NASA put up showing how the earth is changing? Depressing, but one more source proving that global warming is real.+ Do you want to feel like you are making a difference from your couch/car/break room? Here are five calls you can make. For those of you living in red states, I know you are in the minority and these calls are hard, but you have the power to take people out of office. Make them afraid. For people in blue states? Keep on keeping on -- your calls are easy. The aides I talk to practically cheer me on.+ Speaking of calls, this little bill is appearing in Minnesota and it makes me angry. You can find out who you can call here.