friday night dinner in


0822dinnersmWhat a day. It seems like life is speeding up and we are just so dang busy right now! Summer is drawing to an end (booo) and we are trying to fit in as much as we can while we still have long days and warm weather and sunshine.Today was no exception, but we ended the week by inviting our buddy Chris over for a nice dinner. We had delicious flank steak, sourdough bread, smoked salmon dip and fresh Caprese salad with basil from Chris and Alby's garden. And for dessert? Well, you'll have to wait until Sunday to see that. It's an amazing recipe passed down from my grandmother, and it involves a shoe. Yes, you read that right.It was so good to see Chris again. There is something so wonderful about making a simple dinner for people you love. We can only hope dear, sweet Alby was with us in spirit.For your internet share today, I'm sending you to look at "Beef and Oil." It's an arial look at two of America's biggest commodities. Super interesting photography.