from the weekend


Post by Leslie

It has been a strange few days.I haven't had time to pick up my camera as I've been rushing through work and packing and making travel plans to head back home. And frankly, all of that is taking every bit of energy I have. I haven't practiced piano (the lesson this afternoon should be interesting) and I haven't taken photos and I haven't read and I've just... worked. And sat. And cleaned. And spaced out. And cried.Grief is so strange each time around. My lovely Mimi had been very sick for quite some time, and I knew for the last 8 months or so that she didn't have long. But still.Yesterday I frantically listened to all my old voicemails to see if I still had that one on the machine that she left last year (I didn't). I just wanted to hear her voice one more time, you know?I go from plowing through a job to staring out the window with tears on my cheeks in an instant. And the weight on my chest -- the physical weight is so surprising. And I am freezing. I cannot warm up despite the hot showers, the tea or the soup.My friends and clients have been amazing -- rescheduling everything and being so understanding. I truly do appreciate that.The photo above is from a walk we took in the sunshine last weekend, before the recent snowfall. Hopefully I'll have the energy to pick up my camera again soon. I will say, having a toddler in the house is a wonderful distraction, and I'm happy I can share him with the family this week.For your internet shares of the day:+ Something happy.+ Something sad.+ Some inexpensive but beautiful finds for the kitchen (good job, Target).