This photo was pretty obvious since it was -21 degrees when I woke up this morning.Luckily, I don't have any frost like this on my actual house, but I ventured out to the garage for some lovely ice crystal imagery. I love taking macro shots of this stuff because it always looks like feathers to me. Or branches. Quite lovely, regardless!Luckily, my actual weekend was nice and warm. I'm still fighting off my head cold, so we stayed indoors almost all weekend (save for a date out for dinner and to see the new Star Wars -- which is FANTASTIC). We baked tons of cookies and a loaf of bread, we made lots of homemade meals and we wrapped presents and finally addressed our holiday cards. It was exactly what the doctor ordered.
For your internet shares of the day:+ This SNL skit made me snort with laughter.+ If you need a last-minute gift for someone who is hard to shop for, this stuff is DIVINE. I don't own any myself (sadly), but we use it as a prop on set all the time, and one time I grabbed it to slather on my hands when they were super dry and OMG it was like heaven. I've wanted a tube ever since.+ I love this story about a boarding house for career-minded women that is still in operation in Manhattan.+ Here are some lovely photos of places both in summer and winter. Needless to say, I prefer the winter imagery, so I guess I'm living in the exact right place after all.