girls' holiday dinner


1208girlsdinnersmTonight was my annual "girls' night holiday party," where my dearest girlfriends from the newspaper gather and we eat delicious, spicy seafood curry, drink wine and catch up. When we started this tradition we all worked at the paper with each other each night. Now two of the six are at the paper full time, one is there part time and three of us have left (actually, four if you count the member who ran for the hills and couldn't make it back for the party!). Oh, how things change.Anyway, we still have a ton of fun catching up! In fact, we have so much fun that poor Jamie called me at 1 am to check and make sure I wasn't in a ditch somewhere because it was so late! It has been a long time since I lost track of time that badly -- but the laughter and stories (and curry!) were worth it. I love these girls so dang much, and each year that we can all gather means a ton. I encourage the rest of you to start such a wonderful tradition yourselves.Favorite quote of the night, "Why yes, I *would* enjoy a mouthful of George Clooney."*For my internet share of the day, I'm going to send you to these fantastic, intimate x-rays of couples holding each other. It's so interesting to think of our skeletons in these positions!* I brought some tequila that the girls gifted to me this summer. It's Mr. Clooney's personal tequila that they ordered me from Mexico. Although, George himself is always welcome at our parties (standing invitation, obviously).