good girl


1209MaggieThis is Maggie. I got to photograph her family last weekend (one of many...) and the poor girl was so good to pose for us in the sled. I'm not sure she'd done much of this kind of work before, and she was a total champ! Look how regal she is right there!Today was super busy as I had a shoot that Ezra tagged along for (they REQUESTED I bring him!) and then he and I went over to Kramarczuk's after for lunch. Of course he screamed and cried during my shoot (which is why he will no longer get to tag along to meet my clients), and then he slept entirely through lunch (and is still sleeping 2 hours later -- meeting strangers is apparently SUPER stressful).For your internet share, here is a movie trailer featuring The Rock that I actually want to see! (Yes Mom, there is an actor named The Rock. Yes. It is stupid.)