happy birthday, my love

post by leslie

Look who is five!I need to be honest and tell you that photo up top is from earlier this summer, but I found it on my computer today and had forgotten all about it and I LOVE IT SO HARD. I hope he uses this image for an album cover some day.Anyway, we had an amazingly fun-filled weekend. We hit up neighborhood festivals, we went to the library, we had a birthday party, we played mini golf, we watched Star Wars (again!), we went to a neighborhood festival that featured FOUR bounce houses, we played on the playground and ate ice cream and milk shakes and oh wow am I tired!But this morning we got up early for doughnuts (as seen below) before heading into school for his classroom celebration (seen at the bottom). And tonight there will be presents and cake and ice cream and playing with new toys, and wow am I ready for a nap! But for real, it's good to be on this side of 5. Now if I could just freeze time here forever, that would be magic.