happy halloween! From all our critters!
Oh man, this is my very favorite holiday. Well... and Thanksgiving. But this one? COSTUMES!I'm not gonna lie, this morning was rough on me. I was trying to get the dogs photographed and Ezra was NOT HAVING IT. There was the most drastic crying to date (I even recorded it for future reference). I will be playing it at his wedding.But finally he calmed down and we got all dressed up and we had Halloween festivities at Jamie's office (which were phenomenal, btw) and then we came home and decorated the front porch before heading over to a neighbor's bonfire and gathering and then heading out to take Ezra up and down the block to meet other neighbors.And now we are answering the door, drinking wine and
gobbling up handing out candy.For your internet share of the day, I just cannot even believe this. According to this article, people will spend $350 MILLION on their PET'S costumes this year. People. I like dressing up my critters, but that is INSANE.