

This afternoon a few of us escaped the office for just a bit to head down to the river and take some photos. It was waaaaay too nice to be stuck in the cubicle farm today. Sixty seven in November in Minnesota? Yeah, I'll take it.Margaret is borrowing this Hasselblad camera from a friend, and we were oogling it a little today. I had just shot a photo of the river with my normal DSLR, and I turned around to see her shoes framed up perfectly in her Hasselblad viewfinder - score! For the non-photographer types, this camera works by holding it down by your hips, and looking down into the viewfinder while aiming the camera straight ahead -- so it's a much different type of shooting than the standard camera (which is why her shoes are what's in the frame pointing at me).

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser