

1029fawnssmIn case you didn't know, I'm not much for tchotchkes / trinkets / figurines etc. Sure I have stuff around the house -- some of it from vacations, but mostly gifts. Honestly? My shelves are almosts completely books and photos (go figure). But those figurines up there? That was the best gift imaginable that my mom gave me for our wedding anniversary.Those deer (which are just lovely, I think) were my grandmother's and then passed down to my mom and have decorated her home for many years as well. I love the modern lines and the shape of each one. There are actually five in the set, but these three are my favorites. Now to figure out where I can put them that will be far from toddler hands...For your internet shares of the day, I love this website that helps you figure out what time to go to bed for optimal sleep.This article on giving up sugar reminded me how I should probably get back on Paleo. I had the exact same experience as the author... but pumpkin bread is sooooo gooooood.And speaking of avoiding that Paleo diet, I think this bourbon pumpkin shake might be a delicious Halloween treat, no?