hello from the woods (not really) + new RSS Feed


Oh hi there! You're probably surprised by this entry, as I'm really up north in the woods with no internet and no phone! Well, see, I scheduled this one in advance (I'm tricky like that).This is a friendly note to tell you that my RSS address is changing. This only affects you if you read Shuttersmack in your reader (Feedly, whatever). Anyway, the reason it's changing is because this weekend, I'm making some huge changes to the Shuttersmack site, including both the way it looks, and the back end (special thanks to Sopheava for performing her super-secret magic spells to make this happen).So if things seem wonky for a day or two, just be patient. We're working through it! And in the meantime, be sure to update your RSS address to THIS (which will get turned on Saturday afternoon sometime).Now, I'm gonna pretend like this never happened and go enjoy my dog, my book and my drink on the dock.