his first serenade... from a professional
Tonight our good friend Matt stopped by. We've always known Matt was amazing because of his charming personality, his love of a good story, and his generosity in general. Tonight, Ezra learned how awesome Matt is because he sang songs from The Sound of Music with such heart and enthusiasm that all further renditions of "ABC" from mom will be viewed as the pathetic mess that they are. You see, Matt was in the Harvard a cappella group, and he even sings sometimes with a quartet in D.C. (where he lives). He is a wonderful performer, and Ezra here was hooked.I am kicking myself for not taking video of the performance -- my mind just works in still film. But Ezra was MESMERIZED. It was one hundred percent adorable.
For your internet share of the day, here is an explanation of why everyone hates photos of themselves! Truly! This is fascinating. I've been telling clients about it for years -- now you should go learn about it.