hola. estoy dormiendo mucho. Esta fantastico.


Well hello there! I am so sorry for the delay in posting, but the internet service here in Mexico appears to be a very low priority. When we ask why it's down, they tell us it's because it's windy. Hi. We are on the beach. It is always windy.But who cares! We are on the beach! So please forgive the late posts. It appears we have a connection now, but it might only last a few more minutes, so I'm going to try to catch up as much as I can. This photo is from Thursday when we ventured about 300 yards inland from the beach (which I will now be referring to as "the jungle"). It is about 15 degrees hotter and about 35% more humid in "the jungle." So yeah, get us back to the beach, ahora por favor.But the resort has a "zoo" back there that we wanted to check out. We met the zookeeper, who said his name was Wilbur. I shit you not. Didn't think "Wilbur" was a popular Mexican name, but there you go. Anyway, he was so kind and showed us all the animals and even opened up the pens to let me in to shoot photos either up close or without a fence obstructing my view. How awesome is that?You can see more photos from the zoo and the rest of our day over here. Ha. "The rest of our day." By that I guess I mean us lounging on the beach. Or getting beach side massages. Oh wait, there was a reception though for arriving guests and a live mariachi band, and that was AWESOME. So yeah, we're having fun.