i'm a helper


Today was a tad about recovery from last night, but mostly about getting the house in order. There's been so much "real work" around these parts, that the, um, housekeeping has kinda fallen by the wayside. So we worked all day today to fix that, and man does it make a difference for me to have a clean living space.Then later this afternoon my buddy Stacy (seen above) stopped by so I could help out with a photo project for her class at MCAD. And by "help out on a photo project" she needed me to throw clothes out the window at her while she shot it. Yes, yes I can do that :)Plus, knowing she was coming over and needed a bunch of summer things to be thrown out the window was fantastic motivation to clean out the closet*. Win-win!*Note that most of the items on the ground are hers, because let's be honest, if they were all my summer things they would be black, grey, and brown. Not very photogenic.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser