it's a dino eat dino world out there


post by leslie

Lucy and I were working with Creative Memories all day today, and holy cow did we get a lot done! We had four completely different sets to create and style (in other words, Lucy worked her butt off) and loads of changes within those sets for varied shots.Lucky for Ezra, one of the sets included planets and dinosaurs, and I was able to bring him home a box of these feisty creatures. They have already entertained him for almost an hour tonight while I cooked dinner, and there is talk of taking them into the bath later, so in my mind they are worth their weight in gold.Because I was working all day, there was little internet perusal, but this article resonated with me deeply, and I hope you enjoy it as well. If you live in Minnesota, let's all try to get out of work early today and get provisions before Saturday's blizzard eh? And if you don't... just be thankful. This month, anyway.