it's coming together...


0227knobssmLook at those pretty door knobs, eh? The photo studio portion of the big remodel is finished except for the new floor, and kids, it looks fantastic. So why am I not showing you more of it? Because the workers are using that space to house all their stuff (and as a work area) while they work on the *other* side of the basement. In other words, the walls and doors are up, finished and painted, but the rest of the room is a disaster. Be patient, you'll get to see it when it's all finished!Today there was more jack hammering and even some sawing through the exterior house walls to the interior to create a vent for the bathroom. Man was THAT loud. And I know all of this because when I woke up this morning the thermometer said it was -19, and I made the executive decision not to leave the house today. I would also like to point out that the day after tomorrow is MARCH, and some 20-degree temps would sure be welcome.For your internet share, I'm sending you to these gorgeous photos of the night sky. I would so love to get images like this (especially of the northern lights), but it appears I am far too much of a wuss to head outdoors in the winter during the daytime, much less the middle of the night. Maybe I'll buck up next year...