join me on the north shore


Have you ever wished you had a photographer with you on vacation to capture fantastic images to treasure forever (or just use on your holiday card)? Have you ever looked at my photos of trips up north and wished you could be there? How about we solve those problems.This fall, on Oct. 7 & 8 to be exact, I am going to be up at Lutsen Resort, and I'm hoping you will join me with your loved ones.Besides sipping hot coffee and watching the water, I will be offering mini photo sessions for $200*. For that price, you'll get a 30 minute shoot (either at sunrise or sunset), resulting in seven final images. And if you want more than seven, the option to choose more will be there -- it will just cost you $20 for each additional shot.I need to tell you that I sent this offer to my clients on Monday, and already spaces are filling up (Saturday night is all booked, for example). But I still have room available for more people, and I'd love for you to join me.If you are interested, you can book a session and pre-pay right here. After that? You might want to book your room at the resort (tons of options there from cabins to rooms and even pet-friendly spots). I also want to mention that they are not paying me in any way to promote this, I just love this resort and all of its Minnesota charm.And if you're not sure of how pretty it is up there, just scroll down to see photos from my trip last fall.

* What is that asterisk? It's just a reminder that the $200 fee covers up to 5 subjects. After that, it's an additional $25 per person/pet/whatever.

  And are some of you wondering about Phone It In Friday? I'm gonna be honest. I can't stand the photos that phone takes. And I'm not bringing my real camera with me on the weekends because of that feature, and then I'm missing cool images of my kid. So I'm ending it (sorry!). But here is one shot from last week that was fun -- our first bike ride of the season!