keeping an eye out


0827magnify2smSo today was crazy! I had a job over at the Star Tribune (more on this later, when it publishes) and this was one of our behind the scenes shots that I loved. Plus? Whenever I get work over at the Strib I get to see all my old work buddies, and I don't have to log into that piece of crap computer system! Win!And for my internet share of the day, I'm sending you to Alaska. I've always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise, but I don't know anyone else who wants to do this. And maybe they suck? I'm not sure how I'd do on a cruise in general, but you guys... I want to see Alaska! And I want to photograph the hell out of it! Anyway, I found this and it sparked that fire again. You know what would be rad? If an Alaskan cruise company hired me to take photos of their cruises :) WIN-WIN. (HINT, HINT)