lacking glamour


shoessmI found this image today while cleaning up my computer to make room for new files. I shot this backstage at a burlesque show in 2010, and I had completely forgotten about it.One of my favorite things about sneaking backstage at burlesque shows to watch the beauties apply makeup, glitter, sequins and pasties is the glamour behind it all. It doesn't matter the woman or the body type, everyone exudes confidence and is so full of style and elegance.Let me tell you something: As I sit here a week before my due date, I am lacking such glamour in my life right now. To illustrate this point, let's talk about what I had for lunch today. It is the most horrific thing I have eaten since this whole pregnancy thing started, but I'm going to confess it to you anyway. I was running out the door for a shoot and I thought I should grab some protein. I had some fried chicken fingers in the fridge for a recipe I'm making for Sunday's post (oh relax, it's a SALAD), and there was a small, runt of a piece in there and I thought that would work just fine. So I'm nibbling on this fried chicken, when it pops into my head that you know what would taste delicious with this? CHOCOLATE.Yeah. I know. WTF.So out comes the chocolate chips and I have a friend chicken finger in one hand and a bunch of chocolate chips in the other, and I take like three bites and then it was like I stopped and could see myself from outside my body. Holy cow, what have I become?!? So I put it all away, grabbed a handful of almonds and headed out the door.In other non-glamorous news, only one pair of shoes fit these swollen feet right now and we're not even going to get into what I look like when I drop something on the floor and have to bend down to pick it up.But! On the side of "attempting to keep some semblance of decency" I am still donning my bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Also, I just had my hair dyed, so I have that going for me.You guys? I cannot wait to get my old self back. It might take a while, but damn will it be nice.For your internet share of the day, do you know what Bardarbunga is? It sounds like my new favorite cuss word, doesn't it? Also, I am coveting this dish towel. And have you listened to the new Delta Spirit album yet? WHY NOT?