lady lunch


0218lunchsmToday I met up with my good friend Katie to have lunch and talk about what's going on in her corner of the world. Her first son is due in about 6 weeks, and I wanted to see how she's feeling and such. Plus? I had a few hand-me-downs to unload! Katie used to be a magazine beauty and fashion editor and is now a freelance writer. To say she makes 8 months pregnant look glamorous is an understatement.The rest of the day was spent working on administrative business stuff (like, hello, I didn't realize I hadn't logged any of my mileage SINCE JULY). I guess time kinda got away from me on that one (ahem). But I also test drove some cars, which is always sorta fun. I've had my current CR-V since 2003, when I bought it brand new. It's been a wonderful car to me, but now that I'm hauling the kid around, I want something that is 100% reliable. Plus? Heated seats would sure be awesome since it's -10 outside as I write this.For your internet shares of the day, we all know a good moment between Jimmy Fallon and Prince melts my heart. Also, check out Tokyo in the fog. Super haunting!