laughing all the way


24wAre these two the cutest or what? Check out that adorable little sweater! My God!As you can imagine, I have been working my tail off fitting in family holiday sessions lately, and this was a shot I caught on Tuesday. I love these happy smiles and I love photos like this that express the love of the family, but are not posed. I completely realize (and respect) that families want/need posed photos for many reasons, but I try to capture the fun more than anything as those images are always my favorites.For your internet shares of the day:+ Here is a great read about de-cluttering your home. Valuable to many. (Hi Grandmas!)+ Just a stunning wedding. Hugh Forte is one of my very favorite photographers ever. I look at his work and feel like I am worthless, but it pushes me to keep learning and keep trying. We all need heroes like that.+ Some amazing gifts for the foodie in your life (hint! hint!).