let the self-sacrificing begin


for parentsYeah. There's been a lot going on in the Plesser household this spring. We're adding to the pack, and stunningly it's not with a new collie puppy (yet).I really was torn on blogging about being knocked up (oh, in case you didn't pick up on that, the photo above is the soon-to-be Kid Plesser), but I'm at that stage where people don't seem to know that I'm pregnant despite me having an enormous gut, and I just can't have you all thinking I've simply let myself go. This belly of mine? It's growing a human life. I did not get it from having too much beer (believe it or not).Now, before you get all panicky, please don't worry about this becoming some sort of sappy mommy or pregnancy blog. You should know by now that's not who I am. But this is a pretty big deal going on in my day-to-day life, and it seems weird to never mention it and then one day be like, "Oh hey! Look! I had a baby! Let's see if it poses as well as Magda!" (We all know Magda would win that contest hands down, right?)And the reason *today* seems appropriate in bringing all of this up is that I am due on Sept. 12. And today The Replacements announced their first Minneapolis concert IN DECADES for Sept. 13. Sooooo..... that's frustrating. But I am now just so, so happy that I made the trip last fall to see them play in Chicago. And maybe this kid will hang on for an extra day or two so that I can wobble over to see one of my all-time favorite bands play. Who knows. But I *do* plan on getting tickets just in case the kid is late. And I also have a healthy dose of realism in that I likely won't make the show.Now, a few questions you might have:1) We do not know the sex of the kid, and even if we did we wouldn't tell you because we don't want any pastel crap in the house.2) This was a surprise to us as well, but a very happy one.3) It looks like I am winning the war against naming said child after a KU basketball player (for now).4) If you approach me and rub my belly without warning, I will do the exact same to you. Boundaries, people.5) Yes, I will meet you for hamburgers any time, any place. (Also, you now know why my Paleo diet seems to have gone by the wayside for a bit.)For your internet share of the day, how about this RAD video made for both dog lovers and Star Wars fans? Eh?And if you're more of a cat person than a dog person, you should read this story about a cat cafe in NYC. I love this idea so, so much!