

0426sipleywI had a photo session this weekend with a newborn (and her family), and this was my favorite shot. I love the light in this image. And look at that little baby girl smiling up at her dad!? Is this great or what? Anyway, not a bad way to start my Saturday morning.I should also note that this family gave me another one of my all-time favorite photo shoots, so they just prove that I have the best clients in the world.For your internet shares of the day, I have a few more Prince links (I CANNOT HELP IT). But seriously, don't you want to know what the man kept in his fridge? (I may or may not have linked to that before...). And then his twitter avatar changed. And my friend Margaret pointed out this wonderful fashion spread with Taylor Swift. As someone who used to art direct fashion shoots, I think this is wonderful. And lastly, I have been pondering a capsule wardrobe. I would like to simplify my  life, and to be honest, I pretty much live in the same clothes anyway (habit of working at home). I found this one to be a good inspiration...And lastly, go download that new Beyonce album. For real.