magic hands


1220happysmWow, thank goodness we made it to the weekend, eh? I worked all morning before heading out to an afternoon meeting and then cutting the day short for some last-minute holiday shopping and my ortho-bionomy appointment. My what, you ask? Oh, let me tell you.A while back, I started having a lot of neck and back pain. Probably because I lug a ton of gear around with me all day every day so I can take pretty pictures at a moment's notice.Well, that and I'm getting old.Anyway! I have always been nervous about Chiropractic visits because I hate the idea of sharp tugging and popping and I'm very afraid of further damaging my neck. So I started this last spring instead, and I looooove it. My fabulous therapist, Therese*, works on me for between 1-2 hours and she gets everything right. I asked her today if she considers my treatments to be ortho-bionomy and she said it's that mixed in with kinesiology and sacral and cranial work. And sometimes she does energy work as well. So over all? It's just about 2 hours of me being gently pulled and twisted and pushed on massaged and leaving in a happy place (and fully aligned). It is pretty fabulous (even the hair pulling is awesome!). And my neck is so much better.Today I shot this image of Therese's hands (where the magic comes from) and the bird feeder right outside her window. The way her table is positioned, I look out this window a lot during my sessions, and I blame this on my current fascination with birds. Also? That bird there is a nuthatch. They are super skittish and while they visit my feeder at home often, I have yet to snap a photo of one.Ok, and while we're talking about physical well being, I should update you all on my daily yoga pledge from earlier this month. It's been about 2 weeks, and I'm happy to report that I have managed a yoga practice every day. And man do I feel good. I will admit that there have been a few practices that have lasted only 15 minutes, but there are also days where it's more than an hour. For me, it's all about the discipline to take the time for myself each day and to work on my strength and flexibility.For your internet share of the day, I'm letting you in on my latest yoga playlist that I've been enjoying during my workouts. As you can imagine, music is my biggest motivator, and no one else out there seems to have put Madonna, Chvrches, P.O.S. and Daft Punk together for me. Imagine that.*If you are interested in visiting Therese, shoot me an email. I would love to share her information with you!