"spring" in minnesota


0324snowsmSo... confession time. I work on my Monday at the Madhouse posts on Sunday night.Why, you ask? Because Mondays are crazy enough as is, and I found that I wasn't getting them posted until Monday NIGHT, and that is no good for all you folks at your desk early Monday morning needing entertainment. So I do them on Sunday.And then I woke up Monday morning to the most beautiful snowfall! (As seen above.) Which means that photo is from Monday, not today (Tuesday). Whatever. I figure it's the prettiest snowfall we got all year, and it's likely our last. And I wanted it captured.So that right there was the view from Shuttersmack HQ yesterday morning. I loooove the tire swing.For your internet share of the day, I loved this article about college basketball players and why they are all wearing these things on their legs/arms/whatever that cover their skin.Hint: Some of them admit it's because they don't like their legs. THESE ARE THE FITTEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. And they don't like their bodies. See? SEE? We are never happy with ourselves (she says as she logs her calories and squeezes in this post before heading out for a walk to lose some baby weight).