may 3, 2013


Snow accumulating in May. This is what keeps the riff raff out of Minnesota, or at least that's what I keep telling myself. The downside? This weather blows. The upside? It's the reason I can afford my lovely home in the city, unlike Los Angeles or Miami.Tonight, after a pretty full day, we went to see Wits at the Fitzgerald Theater. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's a radio show that combines music and comedy with a live audience (kinda like Prairie Home Companion -- even the same theater -- but for the younger set). Tonight's guests were Patton Oswalt and Ben Lee. And you know who else? IONE SKYE! I guess she's married to Lee now, so she tagged along, and wow is she still just as pretty as she was as Diane Court in Say Anything. Also? I ran into a coworker at the show who had never seen Say Anything. People of Earth: Make sure you see this film. That is all.