meanwhile, at the gun range
Last night, myself and a group of girl friends went to the gun range.Yup.We were all having dinner a few months ago, and we were discussing politics (unsurprisingly). We were joking about our future commune (which we've been talking about for ... wow... more than a decade), and we hilariously realized that none of us could protect the commune. Sure, we could feed each other with no issues. But protection? Nah. None of us had ever fired a gun. And maybe we should learn how to do that.Let me be clear, none of us wants to start hunting (two of these friends are vegetarians!), but we figured the knowledge would be important.Also? It's a good thing we went! Did you know that if the safety is marked to "red" on the gun, it means the gun is ready to fire? Us silly liberals figured red meant, you know, "stop" -- meaning the safety was on. Just that lesson alone made the evening worthwhile!We were also very lucky that Sharon's daughter Jess, pictured above, teaches shooting at the range, and she was super patient with all of us. She showed us how the gun worked, taught us the best ways to aim and showed us how to load the gun. She was amazing.
My friend Coutnay came from work. Isn't she adorable in this outfit at the gun range? Ha!
She looks like a damn hot secret agent!
And here I am. My dad might have to get this one framed.
In the end, I'd say Jess was a great teacher! Look at how well we did!
We were going to head home after the shooting, but we all felt like we needed a drink after that experience. I think if we had been the only ones at the range, it would have been a fun, educational experience. I mean, it was that. But it also was pretty startling to see how cavalier some of the other patrons were with those weapons.I grew up with a father who collects guns and would often clean them next to me while we watch television. For my 18th birthday, he got me a membership to the NRA, so this culture is not new or "weird" to me. But I have always been taught to treat such weaponry with the utmost respect. And that is not how I saw others acting. And that is what made me so nervous and stressed out. And it is also what makes me glad I at least know how to fire a weapon now.Two quick internet shares today!+ I want to make this soup! Maybe this weekend? We'll see how ambitious I can get in my "half kitchen" in the basement!+ These signals sent with body language seem so obvious. But I think leaders and those in charge of other should pay close attention. I'll never forget the boss who briskly walked through the newsroom with her arms crossed, hunched over, staring at the floor every single day.