meanwhile, in colorado


I guess I disappeared there for a bit, didn't I?Sorry about that! I've been out shooting on locations every day from sunrise to sunset, and with these long days, that leaves not much left in my fuel tank by the time I return to the hotel.Today I got up and shot for a bit before meeting one of my very best friends for lunch. Seeing my college roommate at home with her adorable boys? That was pretty amazing.Then I drove to the airport, and due to a delayed flight, I have a few moments to blog. This photo is an outtake shot from a scouting session I did for Colorado State University. The campus was beautiful, and it was so fun to see so many buildings, programs and students. We photographed labs, stables, hikes in the mountains, hikes in the woods by the river, two breweries, downtown nightlife and the fermentation lab on campus (where beer makers get their education). It was all a blast, and I am so fortunate they found me and hired me for this gig.And now I'm going to fly home and collapse into bed and sleep forever. Or at least until Ezra wakes me up tomorrow at 6 am.Thanks for your patience guys -- no internet shares today. I haven't even seen a newspaper since Tuesday, which is super rare for this girl.