meanwhile, in st. paul


1126variasmTonight I shot Plume Varia, a band originally from St. Paul, but now from Denver. I headed over to the show doubting I would see anyone I knew and instead ran into four friends (none of whom were together) and met several new ones. Have I mentioned just how much I adore the music scene here in the Twin Cities? Because, damn, is it fun.I need to be up bright and early tomorrow, so I'm cutting this blog post short. Because of that, I'm giving you two internet shares of the day. The first is Amano, a site I have mentioned here before. My amazing buddy Louisa curates the shop/site and chooses everything on there to sell, styles the photo shoots, runs the website and takes all the photos. She is AMAZING. And the stuff on the site right now? It is phenomenal. There are a gazillion things you could easily make ME happy with this holiday season (scarves! earrings! necklaces! these awesome wooden jump drives!) but I'm putting the site up here so you can surprise others with this fabulousness.The second internet share is this wonderful set of photos that illustrate what this artist imagines the Barbie Dreamhouse is really like. Man-oh-man do I love this.