meanwhile, in Wrigleyville...


0914cubssmOh hi there! So this is about a block from where we're staying in Chicago! In fact, if  I look out the window right now, I can see bleachers! How fun is *that*?We came into The Windy City today so we would be well rested (and excited!) for The Replacements tomorrow at Riot Fest. Can you even believe I'm about to photograph these guys? BECAUSE I CAN'T.So as we arrived at the airport today, I realized that we both forgot to pack rain gear. I checked the forecast... and it's 80% chance of rain tomorrow. Yeah. So today we walked around the city and shopped for rain jackets (and finally scored a few!). While doing so, we had an amazing lunch, fantastic coffee, and remember that ice cream I had back in Columbus that changed my life? Jeni's? Yeah, they opened a store here this weekend, and we happened to stumble upon it. I may or may not have squealed in delight.Then tonight we met up with some friends Jamie knows through work, and we had a BLAST drinking wine and eating cheese and olives and nuts. Seriously -- so much fun.Weekend getaways like this are the best. Please keep reminding me of this so I do it more, because man, I am having a marvelous time.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to see rare photos of an amazing albino humpback whale swimming in the ocean. These photos are so, so cool. Check 'em out over here!