meanwhile, on the farm in arkansas...


1goatssmOh hi there! So today I arrived in Arkansas. And that baby goat there? It's only one day old. Squeee!So could you guys all hear me singing along to Justin Timberlake on the radio as I cruised down Interstate 49 through Missouri and Arkansas searching desperately for a Starbucks today? No? Wow. You missed quite the performance.Let me rewind a bit. A year or so back, a dear friend of mine from 7th grade found me using Facebook. This friend? She was with me at my second concert ever (Men Without Hats) when we snuck backstage after the show and met the band. I was 11. It was rad.Anyway! Now she lives on a farm in Arkansas and has eight kids (who are AMAZINGLY well behaved) and this week on the farm eight baby goats (who are also called kids!) were born on the farm! The one up there is a twin. It is adorable.The farm also has horses and ponies and chickens! And a huge blueberry patch! So we had blueberry crisp tonight for dinner and it was divine.I don't have an internet share for today, so instead I'll give you a few more photos from the farm. Enjoy!01gemmasm 3goatsm Primasm 2goatsms