meet Jäger
This is Jäger! He is the dog at my local hardware store, and I've been harboring a crush on him for a while now. Me AND Magda, that is.Jäger is a Münsterländer, and they are the calmest, sweetest dogs. At least all three that the hardware owners have had in the store for the last 10 years are that way. They have the sweetest eyes, and I just adore them.Today I was there and Jäg (Pronounced Yague), was following me around the store. I asked if I could take his photo, and they said sure and even gave me a treat. I made him hold still for awhile, and look at that drool! Such a good boy!
For your internet share of the day, I loved this post on leaving your big camera at home and only using your phone for images while you travel. Look at those photos. Is that inspiring or WHAT?