meet luna


1109lunasmIsn't she lovely? This is Luna, and today I got to photograph her, her brother Shasta (who you can kinda see on the right), and the rest of their family. This is the ... fourth (?) year I've done photos with this family, and it is so much fun to see the kids grow up. And it is so hard to watch the dogs get older.Luna's mom and I were discussing this today as Luna here is the same age as Merlin. I wonder who sheds more... hmm....Anyway, this was my second shoot of the day, and I pretty  much worked the whole Saturday, which is why I plan on NOT working the whole Sunday (besides that awesome dog shoot I have planned in the morning). Instead, I plan on attending a small party and watching loads of horrible television. And maybe napping.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you two gems. First, Starbucks now offers Butterbeer! But I don't think I'll order any, as in my mind (and in Hogsmeade), it's a hot drink, not cold. And second, oh holy wow you need to see the Addams Family set in color. WOW. Who would have thought?