

Oh yeah! I also went to a Menomena show last night. Since it was at the Triple Rock, it was a super late show, and this was shot after midnight, making it fodder for my Sunday blog instead of Saturday. Plus, I have piles and piles and piles of work and cleaning and cooking to do today, so I wanted to bang out this blog post earlier than usual. But let's get back to the band!These guys put out one of my very favorite albums of 2010 called Mines, and I highly suggest you pick up a copy. The band is always amazing live as they each play 4-5 different instruments each per show, and the drummer is placed right up front where I can shoot him. Last night's show featured bare feet, a true mullet and someone playing a RECORDER. Yeah,  like you learned to play in the 3rd grade. It was so fun!You can see more photos of the show up over here. Enjoy!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser