mind games


1018rippleswI snapped this photo while shooting a family session this weekend at a lake. Sidebar: The fall color right now is so damn gorgeous right now! Everyone who likes this color, real quick shoot me an email and let's book a session for the second week of October 2017. Deal?Ok, back to business. So I love looking at pebbles in the water, but it had just started to sprinkle a little, and I loooooooove it when water ripples and distorts an image. I don't know why, but it pleases me to no end. I wish this image would have had a few more ripples in it, but beggars can't be choosers.So how are you guys doing this week? It's kinda nuts over here with the many, many, many photo shoots going on. But they make me happy, so that's not really a complaint. I did go to the doctor today for my physical and I got the flu shot and holy hell did it hurt bad this year. I actually sucked in my breath out of pain and the nurse commented that a lot of people were finding this year's shot more painful. It's not the needle, but it's the sting of feeling the magic medicine entering your bloodstream. Yikes. Is that graphic enough for you? Sorry. And yes, my arm is sore. That said, please get your flu shot. I need a world-wide effort to keep my family healthy this winter.For your internet shares today:+ This sort of bullshit makes me hate America. PEOPLE! It is common sense to want SMART PEOPLE protecting your money. The idea of a redneck bank is ridiculous and reminds me of those stupid, red Make America Great Again ball caps. Get it together.+ Bon Appetit tells us the best cheeses sold at Trader Joe's and I keep meaning to try them. + The secret to solving a rubix cube! I've never been able to do this.You had me at French secret society, but sure, throw the terms "cake" and "cookies" in there and I'm even more sold.