mine all mine


1024jamiesmIsn't he cute? I am so lucky that he chose me. Well... I guess I'm so lucky that he said yes when I manned up and asked him out back in 1994. To give you a sense of how long ago that was a) I was spending the day at an amusement park with a girlfriend in Kansas City wearing cutoff army pants and a Luscious Jackson t-shirt and b) I called him using my MCI calling card from a pay phone to ask him to dinner that night. All you kids probably don't even remember the long-distance-calling-card wars of the 1990s, eh? (TEN CENTS A MINUTE!) Ah, memories.Anyway, it was this day in 1999 that we tied the knot in a tiny chapel in Lawrence, Kansas, and I have never once (even for a second) regretted it. This guy not only makes me laugh hysterically and serves as an excellent partner in crime (cooking and travel, especially), but he also takes amazing care of me (unloads the dishwasher! does my taxes! keeps track of the shuttersmack accounting! makes me tea! smothers my pups with love!). He has won my heart completely and forever. As a kid, I never dreamed that I would find a man to marry, much less one that would keep me smitten after all this time. I'm a very lucky lady.For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you to the most fabulous dog video I've seen in awhile called Shake. Watch it all. My favorite is the collie (obviously).