minneapolis in march


We woke up to about 8 inches of snow today (which my wonderfully handsome and charming husband shoveled), and it kept coming down in some fashion or another for most of the afternoon. March is actually one of the snowiest months in Minnesota, which is fine because it's not so freezing cold that I want to crawl back into bed the moment I wake up, but it's also kinda cruel because, well, it's March. I'm ready to feel the sun on my skin again, you know?Anyway, today's storm didn't really get to me because in t minus six days, I'll be in Austin where it's supposed to be 82 and sunny. As long as my flight gets out on time, you won't hear me complain.But I shot this image while grabbing lunch today because I know not all of you peer down at snowy streets on your lunch breaks from downtown skyways, and it's just another reason I love this city so much.