minnesota wildlife


0818turtlewSince Bubie is in town this week, I took the day off of work and she and I took Ezra to the zoo. Or rather, we spent 1.5 hours in the "Minnesota Wildlife" part of the zoo. The part that would take any normal human 20 minutes to breeze through, but for a toddler who wants to push every button and examine every rock for 10 minutes (at least), it takes longer. There are a lot of deep breaths on these trips for me.Anyway! While I waited for the kid to become less fascinated by buttons, I snapped some photos of the creatures. At the top, I love how the turtle appears to be smiling at us. And the red belly! Love that.0818eagle1wThey also have a bald eagle on exhibit who broke her wing and cannot fly. While I do feel bad that she's all cooped up at the zoo, it's also rad to get to see such a marvelous creature up close. I mean, look at those feet!0818eagle2wFor your internet shares of the day:+ Five reasons to stretch your brain.+ Amazon is now delivering restaurant food to Minneapolis residents! Very dangerous.+ I love these arial photos of swimming pools.