monday at the madhouse
Well hello there! Did everyone have a good weekend? We were slammed around these parts! We had a birthday party, a bunch of errands, a bunch of cooking and we hosted a brunch! And there was much napping, which was glorious.Ezra has moved into the stage that includes laughing, and you guys? It is AWESOME. We've discovered he's ticklish and he loves having raspberries blown on his tummy. Unlike Magda.Also, we have been working so, so hard on his sleeping and last night the kid slept 12 hours with only one short middle-of-the-night feeding. This was huge, and since I told you about it, it will never happen again. Oh, I'm just kidding. Our sleep is about to go to hell anyway because we're taking Ezra on his second vacation this week, but this time it involves an airplane. Yup. Please say your prayers for our family (and for those seated around us).Below are a few shots from this weekend of the kids. The one of Merlin and Ezra is not a motion shot -- sometimes Merlin just stands there hanging out next to the boy. I adore how much he likes this tiny human. It reconfirms that he is, in fact, the best dog on the planet. But! I must admit that Magda has been exceptionally good this week and I'm super smitten with her these days as well. Onward!
Of course the first shot of the batch is my favorite. But that vacuuming shot? A very, very close second, just for all it represents.Now, for your internet share of the day! Did you know there's a festival in Nepal that celebrates dogs?!? Look at these photos of it! I love this!