monday at the madhouse // a busy week
Busy week around here! We had our first meeting at daycare, a trip to the Mall of America, a trip to Rivets and Roses, Ezra's first playdate with the lovely Naomi and many other errands. There was also some crankiness, as well as TWO NIGHTS where the kid slept all the way through (praise the lord!). Below are the photos! Enjoy.
Merlin is doing a touch better, but mostly because we upped his pain killers so while he's not in as much pain, he's sorta... drugged. But still handsome as ever. And sweet as ever.
I snapped this at Rivets and Roses. Flipping me the bird at such a young age. We're saving this for many uses down the line.
Ezra learned about Eskimo kisses this week, and he LOVES them. He giggles like crazy when my bangs brush his face while doing this. Adorable.
Magda got lots of walks as the weather warmed up, so she's been pretty content this week.
Yup. Fussiness.
Here he is with Naomi. Cuties. She's a few months older than he is and she seems miles ahead -- sitting on her own, pulling herself up into a stand and eating crackers.
We still love bouncing.
And he still loves the mirror.
And this week, Ezra was treated to his first collie pedicure! Those are the best.