monday at the madhouse // a visit from bubie
This week, Jamie's mom was in town and she and Ezra were thick as thieves. They had such a great time playing together and Ezra fell for her almost immediately. He could clearly sense that, "Oh hey, this one here? She'll give me ANYTHING I WANT!" And it was so adorable to see them playing together.Because Bubie was in town, Ezra stayed home from daycare for most of the week, so he got lots of walks outside, a trip to the park, a trip to the aquarium, a dinner out at a pizza joint and many household errands. He was game for all of it.
Another fun thing that happened this week was that I got a new computer (yay!!!). Getting a fresh, new computer is about the best feeling ever, eh?But besides my own happiness, Bubie and Ezra built a fort out of the padded box. I didn't see Ezra playing in it much, but I did see this. :)
Sometimes you take your kid to the aquarium to show him the giant sharks, the tortoises, the crocodiles and the sting rays and what is he most interested in? The illuminated exit sign. Yup.
And lastly, Bubie made her delicious meat balls Sunday night for Ezra, and while he seemed uninterested in the beginning, she figured out that using a fork was a much better way to gain his interest.We thought he was eating a ton of them until he started laughing and spit them out down his shirt. Boys are so classy.