monday at the madhouse ~ and here we are
So how is the family? Well... we're busy! The weather has finally warmed back up to the 60s so both Ezra and Magda are thrilled to be back outside. However, Ezra learned two new (and very important) words this week. Those words were "no" and "mine." So yeah, we've had a few challenges. And unsurprisingly, Ezra is not a fan of you using those words back at him.Beyond the vocabulary "improvements," Ezra deepened his love of trucks (he's a huge fan of the playmobil products), and he also started wanting to play inside his crib for the first times ever.
Here he is playing with these amazing blocks that were gifted to me when he was born. I love that you learn while you play! Genius!
Yes he has a crusty nose. It's part of parenthood. I clean it up before we leave the house, but not before 8 am. Sorry.
We also met a bunch of friends at a new park this weekend, and not only did Ezra tackle some newer, bigger, faster slides, but he also tried out this standing teeter-totter thing. Pretty rad.
And then he passed out cold on the way home from all the excitement.
One afternoon, we walked up to the nursery to get some plants for the front porch. Wagon rides are still a huge hit with this little man.
And now he loves pulling it as much as riding in it. I'm not gonna lie, this guy loves to be the one in charge. I cannot fathom where he gets that from.For your internet shares of the day:+ This car is damn sexy.+ Oh Brad Pitt. Oh, dear, sweet, Brad Pitt.+ I want to age like this. Maybe I'll learn the piano...