monday at the madhouse // and we're walking!
What a week, indeed. We had Halloween (obviously). I'm Cruella DaVille and Ezra went as Jaws*. Or Ezra being eaten by Jaws. Whatever.Ezra also got another new tooth, which brought on a fever and some serious crankiness. Magda had a bladder infection, but we got that cleared up. Other than that, she was a Master Snuggler as the temperatures dropped. Also?Oh yeah. Ezra is walking. WALKING. LIKE A ZOMBIE. It is wildly hilarious and terrifying, but so far, his balance seems pretty great.
He also was gifted these amazing magnetic toys. These are the greatest toys on the planet. If you have kids / know kids, give these for the holidays. They are wonderful.
On Friday, he went to daycare as the monkey (easier to move around in) and we toured Jamie's office trick-or-treating, and one department had this giant wheel you could spin for candy. Ezra just liked the wheel. He's not nuts about candy just yet, but he does like Reese's peanut butter cups. I mean, he is human.
Yeah. Did I mention the crankiness?
And poor Magda. As Ezra starts getting more and more balance with his walking, I fear she will be chased to the ends of the earth. But maybe she'll love it...
And lastly. You guys, I SUCK at these haircuts. Today I thought I would tackle the back with a razor with a claw/clip attachment guard thing in an attempt to clean up the length a bit. OMG, do you see that up there? I AM TERRIBLE. But whatever. That's what he gets for all those damn wiggles. At least he can't see it.(My friend Leah the stylist is horrified. I'm so sorry, Leah!)*The photo of Ezra and I was taken by the lovely Erin. Thanks lady!