monday at the madhouse ~ constant eating edition
This kid is eating us out of house and home. Now that he's back to full health, it's like a swarm of locusts are going through our cupboards! But it's ok. He's adorable and I forgive him :) I might just need more photo jobs to pay for all these groceries!
I love this photo because I love the back of his neck and the mess of his hair.
I love taking photos of this kid eating. My god, he is hilarious (and lacks any and all manners).
I shot this because of how much I love it when Ezra entertains himself.
And then he gave me this look and it reminded me of this. Terrifying. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Also, I snapped an image of a temper tantrum because I don't want you thinking that it's all sunshine and roses over here. Don't get me wrong, we have a LOT of fun in these parts, but there are several meltdowns a day over things like being forced into wearing pants, changing a diaper or us denying him a fourth bowl of cereal.
But Ezra was thrilled when he got to visit his buddy Diggs this weekend!
Here he is hugging sweet (and patient) Diggs.
And when the old boy laid down to sleep, Ezra decided to join him. Cutie.For your internet share of the day, these photos of Cecil the Lion took my breath away. I am still so sad about his ending.