monday at the madhouse ~ funding the puffs company
Well, we were healthy for about a week and a half. And it was glorious!And now we are all sniffly again. The big difference this time is that Ezra seems to have sort-of learned to blow his nose. This is an enormous help, as he is no longer totally afraid of the kleenex like he was before.The other thing that has changed is that this particular cold seems to have killed Ezra's appetite. Which means lunch can sometimes consist of three tablespoons of peanut butter and a few craisins. But the good news is this kid loves his peanut butter (and is not allergic) and I figure it's better than nothing. Plus? He smells delicious all day long due to the mess it makes on his face (which cleans up well, but the smell does linger). When he was a newborn, Nyberg would call him "Peanut Butter" as a nick name, and now it is fully appropriate.
The vacuum cleaner makes poor Ezra a little nervous. I love the story this photo tells.
This is him watching the vacuuming from a safer distance.
And then we had Valentine's Day! With Ezra being so little, we just let him have a Reese's peanut butter cup (or two) for his present. But the grandparents? They will use any and all excuses to send candy, presents and any other form of spoilage. Ezra loved all the ribbon and paper and boxes.
The cellophane paper my mom sent was a huge hit as Ezra loved the crinkling noise of it.
And his bubie sent him a book (and clothes), but right now books are among his most treasured items. We've read this one a ton already.
Ezra's favorite thing about Valentine's day, it seems, was the box that my gift came in. Something about the size and the foam inside that held the earrings fascinated the kid and he carried it around all morning.
I love this shot of the kids "watching" dogs walk by the house out front.
Just look at that belly. And those slippers are THE BEST. They turn any pjs into footed ones and they stay on! If you have small ones, snap up a pair asap.
Eventually, we did get this kid dressed to head out for some exciting errands (I mean, who *doesn't* want to buy a new mattress on Valentine's Day?), but we fed him his "lunch" first.
And that was our weekend. Because it's Presidents Day, he and Jamie have today off as well, but due to illness, I'm not sure any of us are making it out of our jammies, so I'll leave the camera be. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!