monday at the madhouse // happy days


ussmWe had a busy week around these parts: Five shoots, three holiday parties, a trip to the museum, and a haircut (for me, not the kid... obviously).The best part? Ezra slept through the entire night every single day this week. EVERY SINGLE DAY. You guys, it has been months since that happened (thanks to the teething).And we now all feel like superheroes.sm02I love how Ezra likes to walk around brushing his teeth without any pants on. Adorable.06smSunday morning I was wrestling with Ezra on the couch. We were having so much fun, and I demanded Jamie come and take some photos of us. I am so glad! He did an amazing job!04sm 05sm 03sm 07sm 08smAnd my favorite part about that last shot is that Jamie is being so sweet and kissing Ezra, while Ezra is reaching to burn the house down. Typical. :)