monday at the madhouse // holiday weekend


01What a week! Or maybe, what a weekend! We made the most of our days with lots of friends, a trip to the aquarium and the state fair. More below...06Not only is Ezra standing these days, but there is a lot of tippy-toe action as he reaches for more trouble than he can handle.05But back to the aquarium. That's a shark! And yeah, Ezra was mesmerized.04But the jellyfish really captured his imagination...02We also went to brunch this weekend, and Ezra got a bit cranky waiting around for the food. So he started chewing on his toys.03And then the food came. DELISH.07Sunday morning, Ralphie came over and he and Ezra wore each other out. It was AWESOME. This photo was taken when I tried to get them to snuggle. They have some work to do in that category.08Ralphie is also an amazingly sharp dresser, and he left a ton of hand-me-downs for Ez that we are very excited about. Watch out, ladies, things are gonna get FANCY.09Also, having two boys in the house is a touch stressful for Magda. Poor girl. And speaking of this doll, I don't have enough photos of her this week. I might have to make up for that later.10On Monday, we ventured to the fair and ate this for breakfast. Fried chicken in a waffle cone with gravy might be my new most favorite state fair food.12As usual, the goats were my favorite animals.11So those were the first thing we introduced Ezra to. I think he was smitten as well.13He also loved the rabbits.18It was kinda crowded at the fair. Good thing we got there early.17I love this shot.16And this is the face Ezra makes after trying his very first chocolate milkshake. Mmmmmm... more please....15 14 19Also, did I mention how exhausting the fair is?24 23 22 21