monday at the madhouse // it's insanity
I am not gonna lie, it is nuts around these parts.Poor Ez is at that stage where he understands the word "No," but he can't understand the why. And he is pretty pissed about it.I mean, who wouldn't want to crawl into the 350-degree oven? Or french kiss the dog for hours on end? Or eat rocks at the park? Or slowly drip milk all over the couch?
But, that said, he's a lot of fun right now as well. This week, we taught him how to brush his teeth, and he is thrilled with it. Probably because we are encouraging him to put a non-food item in his mouth (joy of joys!). He also is super fun to hide from, now that he toddles around laughing while looking for you.He also is showing a keen interest in keeping things picked up. For instance, he'll play with an item, and then PUT IT BACK WHERE HE FOUND IT (clearly he gets this from Jamie). He loves stacking things and putting items in their proper place. So he's either OCD or he has a bright future stocking shelves at Target. Either way, we are thrilled because hopefully he attacks chores with similar gusto (fingers crossed).
We also blew his mind with amazing pop-up books this weekend.
And the love he has for Magda is adorable.
But it does wear her out!
We should have a captioning contest for this shot.
But overall, a total sweetheart.